I can’t teach you anything. I can help you to learn. The real learning comes within—Tom Dorrance
Horses help us to become aware of habits we have. Thinking habits. What we do with horses, to horses and for horses is the same what we do every day in our lives. Our mindsets, our habits, our character and what we think about ourselves, the way we see ourselves. Hard wired we are.
Blindspots. Everyone can see them, but us. Do we hate them, hm? Yes, and even worse when others tell us or worse, reject us because of them.
We get offended, hurt, attacked, resentful; name it, we feel it.
Thank God horses can mirror back just what we need as in my case. During 25 years of being married into a verbally and emotionally abusive family, I built a wall around me for not getting hurt anymore. Coming from a Swiss/German background, Australia was pretty tough to adjust for me, but I did, while failing forward. Because it was a culture problem as well, I was in big trouble. Europeans ask less and tell more……
My horse Charawa Shakira (Sugar) helped me to relax, calm down and change my body language. To soften. Horses want to be asked, not to be told. I had a trainer who came at least once a week to teach me how horses think. And by learning about horses, I changed. My incredible rewarding journey to my inner healing and personal growth and leadership began right there……..my learning, your learning comes within